Seafood Paradise 2 6 Player Arcade Machine is an oceanic video redemption game, similar to previous fish hunter games and a sequel to Seafood Paradise.
The Fire Dragon Arcade Game is an English version, video redemption fish hunting game in which players compete against each other and the clock to catch the most profitable fish and characters!
The China Sea Dragon King Arcade Game is an English version, video redemption fish arcade game, available as upgrade kit or dedicated arcade cabinets!
The Santa Treasure Fish Arcade Game is an oceanic video redemption game, which is available as an upgrade kit or in dedicated fish arcade machines!
The Dragon King Arcade Gameboard Kit is an English Version kit and is perfect for customers looking to upgrade or recondition the old gaming cabinet.
Ocean King 2: Ocean Monster Arcade Machine is a 6 player video redemption arcade cabinet with the next instalment in the English version Ocean King series.
Ocean King 2 Golden Legend is a dedicated 6 player, video redemption arcade game machine which features the iconic ocean theme.
Ocean King 2 : Monster’s Revenge Arcade Machine is the follow up to Ocean King and is an 8 player video redemption, fish hunting arcade machine. Featuring 3D HD graphics, large high resolution LCD monitor, and loads of new features!
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